As a staff we are committed to ensuring our children continue to learn at Yealand CE Primary School. Whilst learning is important, the communities’ well-being is at the forefront. We understand that there may be times of illness, caring for the vulnerable and caring for other children within the home and this must be the priority for the community. However, we will endeavour to support our learners at this time and continue to learn and grow. 

What is Distance Learning?

Distance learning is where pupils cannot physically be present at school. As children cannot access school to learn, their learning will take place online. It is important that children complete the work set.

Work will be set by teachers using a learning platform e.g. Purple Mash, Mathletics.  These are websites children use regularly. Some are used by certain groups of children; so please do not worry if your child does not know what they are. All the passwords you will need have been sent out by the teacher, Swallow Class have copies of their passwords in their Home Learning Diaries.

Teachers have created a bank of home learning tasks, ideas and resources. Some are in the form of worksheets or instructions on work to complete and others are instructions on where to access work.  You will not be required to print out any worksheets if you are unable to do so.  Worksheets will simply be used as a guide for presenting tasks.  Recording work on paper will be sufficient.  

Some activities will be completed online and teachers will be able to see it. Sometimes a task might ask the child to carry out an experiment; growing seeds, organise tins and packets according to weight, or drawing or making a model. These would need to be photographed and can be sent via Remind or email for the teachers to see. Teachers will be able to monitor children’s engagement in activities and their understanding.

Learners may be provided with a suggested timetable for the week to ensure that they are given routines in order to learn at home. Children thrive off routine and structure so this may help when learning at home. We understand that this cannot be followed at all times and may not at all in some instances and it is a suggested timetable.

There will be set work for the children to complete. This will be sent out via Remind and email daily or weekly, depending on the task. Each class will deliver a mix of live and pre-recorded lessons; links to these will be sent out daily in the learning plan. It is important that children take part in all aspects of the lessons delivered, and any issues are reported to the school as soon as possible.

The Class and Curriculum Pages section on our website give a list of resources for further learning. Please note these are additional ideas, websites and videos that your child might like to explore.

Please note that the distance learning activities are the prepared learning activities. We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, enrichment activities e.g. visits to museums to support a topic can not take place but staff will endeavour to include virtual visits where possible.

What is expected of pupils?

Each child will be issued with set pieces of work to complete each day. Their responses will be sent to the teacher via Remind or email, some work is completed online.
In line with the school and home partnership, all children should be reading daily.
All pupils are expected to attend live lessons, the only exception is if this clashes with another meeting taking place in the household or if they are sick. The school staff work together to ensure that there isn’t a clash with any live lessons taking place in school.

The amount of remote education provided is a minimum:
* Key Stage 1: 3 hours a day on average, with less for Reception
* Key Stage 2: 4 hours a day
Please make sure that your children only send completed work. 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths
Literacy Literacy Literacy Literacy Literacy
Topic Topic Topic Topic Topic

In addition:
* Reception & Key Stage 1 will receive daily phonics lessons and activities.
* Key Stage 2 will receive spelling quizzes and activities and short reading and writing activities that usually form part of the Guided Reading carousel that takes place daily in class.

Suggested daily timetable (KS2)

9.00 – 10.00 Exercise If you have a dog, take it for a walk
YouTube exercise video – Yoga

10.00-11.00 Academic work Complete online learning tasks

11.00-12.00 Academic work Complete online learning tasks

12.00 Lunch

12.30 Chores Create a list of 12 household jobs. Roll 2 dice and whatever number it makes tackle that household job first

1.00-2.00 Academic work Complete online learning tasks

2.00-3.00 Academic work Complete online learning tasks

3.00-4.00 Outdoor/Fresh air Play in the garden, go for a minibeast hunt, tally chart items that you find (flowers, birds, cars, vans etc) Make mud pies, plant some seeds, flowers or vegetables. Grow cress and monitor it each day.

4.00-5.00 Free Time

There will be weekly class assemblies (teacher-led), Christian Values worships (Wednesday) and a Celebration Worship every Friday. Invitations for these worships will be sent out with the class daily learning plan.

Expectations of Teachers

  • All teachers will provide work for children to complete at home; live lessons, pre-recorded lessons and activities.
  • Teachers will provide frequent and clear explanation of new content through pre-recorded and live lessons. During live lessons there will be opportunities to interact, including questioning, eliciting and reflective discussion.
  • Teachers will respond to pupils’ work where appropriate, and provide timely and frequent feedback on how to progress.
  • Teachers will try to match the work to your child’s abilities wherever possible, sometimes this will prove to be difficult as teachers often give additional support to pupils during a lesson. However, activities will be provided to scaffold learning and opportunities to apply new knowledge.
  • Teachers will use assessment to ensure teaching is responsive to pupils’ needs and addresses any critical gaps in pupils’ knowledge.
  • Teachers will be working from 8:45am to 3:15pm Monday to Friday. However, there may be times when the teacher will not respond immediately to pupils as they are completing professional learning tasks within their working day.

Examples of learning taken place during partial school closure 11.01.21 – 15.01.21



Results of our Home learning and Well-being review conducted April 2021

Parental Questionnaire